lundi 13 octobre 2008

In English !..

Just for you, guys... :o)

I had stopped writing posts in English, as I thought it was useless, as I never had any comments in English.... Looks like it isn't the case, but pllleeeeeeeeaaaaaase leave a comment when you come by, so I know you're around ! :o)

Lastest news, then (for October):

I found a baby cot, very cute and very cheap, and found lots of little sheets and pillows and everything I could need in my attic, everything left by my sister in law. All set !

The main thing is that I could run my first washing machines full of baby stuff ! :o

Some more presents sent through my magic letterbox, mainly a great DVD, home made by a wonderful nanny, of a musical show for kids, full of great songs, all mimed and acted out. Great fun !!

Then I went to a party organised by the charity linked to my adoption agency. Lots of families who have adopted or are adopting now with the same agency, and lots (over 200!) of cute kids running around.....
There, I met lots of families I know through their blogs, and families in my group.

And while there, we were told (off the record) that our files were in VN, and have been for quite a while ! My friend Severine, who is in the same group as mine, got that precious info, and we drank and toasted to our health, and our future babies...

We could buy quite a few VN things there, and I bought some books to learn how to count and read in VN, some traditional and colourful dragonflies (the idea is to make a mobile for Caramel's room !).

There was a lottery too, and I won a gorgeous lacquer vase ! :o)

I am already looking forward to going back there next year, with my baby this time !!

The main changes came this weekend. :o)

We learnt that 3 (tiny tiny) babies found their families within the February groupe ! it is the group right before ours. This means that there are only 4 files left in the group, and then it's ours..... Hence the very scientific and (in)accurate countdown intiated by some friends : according to that, I would be at "Caramel - 4".... :o)
Not accurate at all, as I said, as it only means that they could be shortly dealing with the March group, but we are 12 families in that group...
Anyway, things are moving along in the right direction. That's all that matters....

To try and calm down, I went for a great walk in the forest, not fat from where I live. Gorgeous !! :o)

That's it for the news so far, and promised, I'll keep recap and translating my posts !:o)

14 commentaires:

  1. Hi Sylvie !

    I'm sorry for you that nobody let you a message in english ! I know I'm not english but I wanted to please you.
    Sorry for mistakes !!!
    Des bises.

  2. Thanks Amelie !!
    I appreciate the effort !!! :o))

    la GB xoxoxoxox

  3. Sylvie,
    I unsderstood anything to your message but i will try to write you in english too... ouillaïeaïe!!! The war is not win!!!
    Big kiss

  4. My GB, a very sweet summary of what's going on and of the probability of Caramel being soon in your life. How awkward it must be to imagine that just 4 files down, it might be you who will get the magic call.
    I just send you positive thoughts, a lot of peace and sweet dreams, b/c I 'm sure it must be the thoughtest times...
    Cheers Lady.

    The frog, happy for you...

  5. Allez, les jeunes, il vous faut maintenant faire mieux que la Grenouille ... chiche ??
    bon courage !! ;o)

    la GB, pliee de rire, et qui se dit qu'il y a encore du boulot pour elle, crise ou pas crise, finalement !... :o)

  6. Ben, j'essayerai même pas de jouer la concurrence... Mais n'empêche, je suis contente car j'ai tout compris! Merci pour l'exercice: c'est bon, je peux partir en pays anglophone... Si tu continues le test jusqu'à la fin du mois, je serai parée!

  7. Bonjour! Je viens de voir que vous êtes de Franche comté! J'ai vécu en Haute Saône pendant 2 ans près de Luxeuil. Désormais je suis dans les Vosges à La Bresse... Merci pour votre coup de pub pour mes peintures, j'ai eu énormément de visites suite à ça. Bises. Je vous souhaite beaucoup de bonheur.
    Karen- le pinceau enchanté

  8. Ningun problema....
    Acabo de leer este mensage, he entendido la mayor parte....
    Hasta pronto.

  9. Sylvie,
    this is great news - thanks for the english update, it brought a smile to my face!! hope everything continues to go well. please know i am thinking about you always and i will be better about leaving comments from now on, too. ciao x

  10. Bon j'ose dire que j'enseigne l'anglais en primaire et que j'ai même une habilitation qui dit que je PEUX le faire, mais c'est facile devant les enfants qui croient tout...là devant une GB prof d'anglais , ça craint!!! J'ai tout juste compris ce que tu as raconté alors pour répondre!
    Bye ...quand même

    Pour info, notre bestiole s'est cassé un ongle cet été!

  11. IS (="iiiaisss!"!)
    aïe mmmmm ridingggg iour paust & aïe mmmm véri hhhhhapi wouen aïe cannnnn understand somessinkkkkk.


  12. ok, i have to admit, that i didn´t check your blog on a regular basis because of my bad french! but now, i´ll check more often! promise!
    i´m really happy for you and i´m still excited about the good news! so PLEASE keep posting in english!


  13. I'm really sorry, my dear Sylvie but why did you write down "a forest not FAT from..." ? What were you really thinking of ? I do hope your english-speaking friends will go on letting posts for you. And some of us may improve their english....
    Lots of love, be confident, Caramel is not far from you.
    PS : did you see beautiful trees for Caramel's bedroom ?

  14. I have nothing compris du tout but I just want to say: Sylvie, in english on dit CARAMEL - Four !!!!

    Virginie, of the 41
